LA Fires Press Conference – January 17, 2025

Faith, Community, Labor, Grassroots Organizing, and Indigenous Leaders Unite Press Conference

LA County is experiencing the worst wildfire incident in its history. The wildfires have burned down hundreds of homes and places of worship, displacing thousands, and contaminated air and water. With 80% of our community-members reporting low to moderate income, the insurmountable costs of food, shelter, and transportation, coupled with job insecurity, financial instability, loss of life, and more are devastating.

On January 16th,  LA Voice leaders impacted by the LA County fires rallied together with other community and tribal leaders to call for a just and equitable rebuilding and restoration of LA County at First AME in Pasadena.

Over a dozen LA Voice member or partner spiritual communities were impacted by the fires, alongside dozens more across the county. We’re currently working to compile as much information as we can about the breadth and depth of the fires’ impact on our spiritual communities.

Click here to watch on Facebook


We’re calling for the following:

    • In-person, in-language, comprehensive support navigating FEMA, insurance, SBA, unemployment, or any other pertinent claims
    • All non-federal programs must be accessible to all impacted residents regardless of immigration status 
    • FOR RENTERS: A Countywide eviction moratorium and a pause on increases of rent on ALL rental units in LA County, including single family home rentals. 
    • FOR HOMEOWNERS: Just rebuilding policies that center self-determination of impacted communities including financial supports as well as anti-speculation and anti-displacement policies
    • FOR SMALL BUSINESSES AND COMMUNITY CENTERS: Similar displacement prevention programs and block grants for damaged or destroyed small businesses, and nonprofits, including congregations and places of worship, in the fire zones
    • Direct cash assistance for all whose livelihoods or wages have been impacted by the wildfires regardless of status
    • Rebuilding efforts should include heightened labor and environmental protections and job opportunities for those directly and indirectly impacted by the fires, including incarcerated firefighters
    • While historic in proportion, this type and scale of climate catastrophes are the tragic, new normal for the region. Therefore the rebuilding of these communities should employ the latest advances in sustainable infrastructure as well as Traditional Ecological Knowledge in order to ensure long-term resilience and sustainability.